Wednesday, 7 January 2009

New Year Resolution

When de-icing the car prior to that frosty trip to work you know that the festive season is well and truly over!
Having braved it through the January gloom your early morning is not improved by taking calls from staff who can't quite match your determination due to suffering from 'the flu' or something similar.
If you manage to resist the temptation to throw the mobile down the toilet please don't use it to ring the temp agency. Instead do something really radical. Nothing. Yes, I mean it. If you do you may well be rewarded by witnessing something truly amazing; the sight of people coping! This will lead you to asking some important questions such as:
  • How long is it since you gave any thought to how you do what you do?
  • Does your structure chart (if you have one) look like a complicated wiring diagram?
  • Can everyone on your payroll answer with confidence the question 'who do you work for?'
If the answers make you slightly uncomfortable then you need a thorough review of your people and processes so that you match who you have to what you do and not the other way around. If you are prepared to be honest with yourself and not be afraid of the outcome this review can take as little as a week or two and deliver significant savings to the bottom line sooner than you think.
I will deal with the best way to implement a cost saving restructure next time as well as discussing other areas where savings can be had that may be staring you in the face!

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